Creating a Livestream
The API exposes a set of endpoints to create and manage livestreams. This guide will help you get started with the basics of creating a livestream with the API.
- Create a new livestream. There are a wide array of options available.
A full set of options can be found in the reference guide.
For the transcription, please check this reference.
mutation {createLivestream(timezone: "Europe/Berlin"attributes: {startsAt: "2025-02-13T12:00:00Z"becomesVod: truechatEnabled: trueduration: 3600expectedVisitors: 100hlsOutput: truetranscription: {transcribeEditor: truetranscribeEngine: VIDEO_TAXItranscribeEditorExpiry: 30transcribeLanguage: "de"transcribeLiveTranslationLanguages: ["en-US"]}name: "API Test Livestream"quality: FHDppv: falsepasswordEnabled: falsepublicStreaming: true}) {idembedUrlstreamUrl}}
- Retrieve the embed URL and stream URL to start the livestream. If you discarded the result of the mutation, you can retrieve the URLs with the following query:
Thequery {livestream(id: "<ID>") {embedUrlstreamUrl}}
can be used to embed the livestream on your website. ThestreamUrl
is the URL to the HLS stream.