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GraphQL Schema

Query (RootQueryType)

Field Argument Type Description
categories [Category]

Lists all categories

limit Int!
offset Int!
category Category

Fetch a category

id Int!
chatToken String
eventId ID!
estimateLivestreamCreate Estimation!

Estimates how much it would cost to create a livestream.

Returns a token which can be used to perform the payment for estimateLivestreamCreate.

attributes LivestreamCreateAttributes!
timezone Timezone!
estimateLivestreamExtension Estimation!

Estimates how much it would cost to extend a livestream.

Returns a token which can be used to perform the payment for estimateLivestreamExtend

Can only be used on running livestreams.

id String!
newDuration Int!
timezone Timezone!
estimateLivestreamUpdate Estimation!

Estimates how much it would cost to update a livestream.

Returns a token which can be used to perform the payment for estimateLivestreamUpdate.

Cannot be used on running or done livestreams.

attributes LivestreamUpdateAttributes!
id String!
timezone Timezone!
estimatedProfit Money
price String!
listLivestreamTranscribeEngineLanguages [LanguageWithName]

Lists supported languages for a speech livestream Speech recognition provider.

engine LivestreamTranscribeEngine!
listLivestreamTranslationLanguages [LanguageWithName]

Lists supported languages which support live translation

livestream Livestream!

Fetches details for a single livestream.

id String!
livestreams [Livestream]

Lists all livestreams.

allowedStates [LivestreamState]
edited Boolean
limit Int!
offset Int!
presets [String]
me Account!
mediaLibrary MediaLibrary
slug String!
mediaLibraryCategory MediaLibraryCategory
categoryId String!
slug String!
mediaLibraryEvent MediaLibraryEvent
eventId ID!
minutes Int
slug String
playback PlayerPlayback
eventId ID!
minutes Int
tokens [String]
playerConfigs [PlayerConfig]
ppvPaymentNonce String
productId ID!
ppvProduct PpvProduct
id ID!
ppvProducts [PpvProduct]
ppvProductsForEvent [PpvProduct]
eventId ID!
ppvStatistics PpvStatistics!
ppvTicketsSold ⚠️ Int!


use ppvStatistics instead

ppvTotalRevenue ⚠️ Money!


use ppvStatistics instead

realtimeSession ⚠️ RealtimeSession!

Get realtime by ID.


Use speechRoom instead.

id String!
realtimeSessions ⚠️ [RealtimeSession]

Get all realtime sessions.


Use speechRooms instead.

limit Int!
offset Int!
speechRoom SpeechRoom!

Get a speech room by its ID.

id String!
speechRoomSession SpeechRoomSession!
id String!
speechRoomSessions [SpeechRoomSession]
limit Int!
offset Int!
speechRoomId String!
speechRooms [SpeechRoom]

Get all speech rooms.

limit Int!
offset Int!
streamUrl String!
eventId ID!
tokens [String]
token Token
vocabularies [Vocabulary]

Lists all vocabularies

limit Int
offset Int
vocabulary Vocabulary

Fetch a vocabulary

id Int!
vod Vod!

Get VOD by ID.

id String!
vodDraft Draft!

Get VOD draft by ID.

Required permissions: vod_read_draft

id String!
vodDrafts [Draft]

Get VOD draft by ID.

Required permissions: vod_read_draft

limit Int!
offset Int!
vodSubtitle VodSubtitle!

Get VOD subtitle by ID.

Required permissions: vod_read_subtitle

id ID!
vodSubtitleByLanguage ⚠️ VodSubtitle!

Get VOD subtitle by VOD ID and language.

Required permissions: vod_read_subtitle


Find the subtitle by id or filter them instead.

language String!
vodId String!
vodSubtitles [VodSubtitle]

List VOD subtitles of a VOD.

Required permissions: vod_read_subtitle

vodId String!
vods [Vod]

Get all VODs.

limit Int!
offset Int!

Mutation (RootMutationType)

Field Argument Type Description
addLivestreamToPpvProduct Livestream!
livestreamId String!
productId ID!
addVodToCategory Vod!

Adds the vod to the category. This action is idempotent. Required permissions: Vod read/update, Category read/update

categoryId Int!
vodId String!
addVodToPpvProduct Vod!
productId ID!
vodId String!
cancelLivestream Livestream!

Cancels a running livestream.

The rest of the livestream’s runtime will be returned to the wallet of the account.

id String!
createAccessCodes [PpvAccessCode]
number Int!
productId Int!
createCategory Category

Create a new category

name String!
parentId Int
createFreeItsliveLivestream Livestream!
description String
name String
createItsliveLivestream Livestream!
buttonType PpvButtonType
description String
name String
price Int!
createLink Link!
eventId ID!
title String!
url String!
createLivestream Livestream!

Creates a livestream with the given attributes.

Before calling this operation it is required to call estimateLivestreamCreate. with the same attributes and use the token for performing a braintree payment. The paymentNonce is required if the livestream livestream is not free.

attributes LivestreamCreateAttributes!
paymentNonce String

Token that confirms the braintree payment

timezone Timezone!
createPlayerConfig PlayerConfig
autoplay Boolean
ccStyle String
color String
logo Upload
logoHidden Boolean
name String
shareable Boolean
url String
createPpvProduct PpvProduct
buttonType PpvButtonType!
description String
from DateTime
name String!
price Int
sellOnline Boolean
to DateTime
createRealtimeSession ⚠️ RealtimeSession!

Get all realtime sessions.


Use createSpeechRoom instead.

name String!
translationLanguages [String!]!
createSpeechRoom SpeechRoom!

Create a new speech room.

name String!
translationLanguages [String!]!
vocabularyId Int
createVocabulary Vocabulary

Create a new vocabulary

entries [VocabularyEntryInput!]!
name String!
createVodDraft Draft!

Creates a new VOD draft. After creating the VOD draft, upload URLs can be retrieved using the partUrl field inside a draft. After all parts have been uploaded, processing can be started using the processVodDraft mutation.

description String
name String!

Filename with extension.

createVodSubtitle VodSubtitle!

Create VOD subtitle by an existing VTT or SRT file.

format SubtitleFormat!
input String!
language String!
vodId String!
deleteCategory Category

Delete a category

id Int!
deleteLink Link!
eventId ID!
linkId ID!
deletePlayerConfig PlayerConfig
id ID!
deleteSpeechRoom SpeechRoom!

Delete an existing speech room.

id String!
deleteVocabulary Vocabulary

Delete a vocabulary

id Int!
deleteVod Vod!

Delete VOD by ID.

id String!
deleteVodDraft Draft!

Delete VOD draft. It cannot be deleted while its processing.

Required permissions: vod_write_draft

id String!
deleteVodSubtitle VodSubtitle!

Delete VOD subtitle by ID.

Required permissions: vod_write_subtitle

id ID!
extendLivestream Livestream!

Updates the duration of the livestream to the newly given duration.

Before calling this operation it is required to call estimateLivestreamExtension. with the same attributes and use the token for performing a braintree payment. The paymentNonce is required if the livestream livestream is not free.

Only running livestreams can be extended.

duration Int
id String!
paymentNonce String
timezone Timezone!
login Token
email String!
password String!
processVodDraft Draft!

Confirms the VOD upload and starts the transcoding process.

id String!
parts [String]

List of ETAGs from the S3 PUT requests. Order has to be correct.

publishLivestream Livestream!

Starts streaming the livestream to the viewers.

Can only be called on livestreams are pending or running and are not public yet.

id ID!
purchasePpvProduct PpvAccessCode!
acceptDataProcessing Boolean
acceptPrivacy Boolean!
acceptTerms Boolean!
callbackUrl String
customFields [PpvCustomFieldInput]
email String!
eventId ID
firstName String!
lastName String!
locale String
paymentNonce String
productId ID!
recaptchaToken String
register Account
email String!
name String!
password String!

8-72 characters

privacy Boolean!
surname String!
termsOfUse Boolean!
removeLivestreamFromPpvProduct Livestream!
livestreamId String!
productId ID!
removeVodFromCategory Vod!

Removes the vod from the category. This action is idempotent. Required permissions: Vod read/update, Category read/update

categoryId Int!
vodId String!
removeVodFromPpvProduct Vod!
productId ID!
vodId String!
reorderLink Link!
eventId ID!
linkId ID!
newPosition Int!
replaceVodSubtitle VodSubtitle!

Replace VOD subtitle with the given alternative input.

format VodAlternativeFormat!
id ID!
input String!
setDefaultPlayerConfig PlayerConfig
id ID!
socialMediaSignIn Token

Use a social media login provider to register to video taxi.

accessToken String!
provider SocialMedia!
transcribeVod VodSubtitle!

Create VOD subtitle by transcription.

diarization VodSubtitleDiarization
engine VodTranscriptionEngine
language String!
subMaxDuration Int
subMaxLine Int
subMinDuration Int
subMinLine Int
subSilence Int
vocabularyId Int
vodId String!
translateVodSubtitle VodSubtitle!

Create VOD subtitle by translating an already existing subtitle.

language String!
subtitleId ID!
updateAccountAddress AccountAddress!
city String
countryCode String
street String
zipCode String
updateAccountBankDetails AccountBankDetails!
iban String
swift String
updateAccountCredentials Account!
password String

8-72 characters

updateAccountDetails Account!
email String!
mobilePhone String
name String!
surname String!
timezone String
updateAccountWorkDetails AccountWorkDetails!
company String
taxNumber String
updateCategory Category

Update a category

id Int!
name String
updateLivestream Livestream!

Updates a livestream with the given attributes.

Before calling this operation it is required to call estimateLivestreamUpdate. with the same attributes and use the token for performing a braintree payment. The paymentNonce is required if the livestream livestream is not free.

Livestreams can only be updated until their inputs have been published. updateRunningLivestream can be used to update a restricted set of details of the livestream after the endpoints have been published.

attributes LivestreamUpdateAttributes!
id String!
paymentNonce String
timezone Timezone!
updatePlayerConfig PlayerConfig
autoplay Boolean
ccStyle String
color String
id ID!
logo Upload
logoHidden Boolean
name String
shareable Boolean
url String
updatePpvProduct PpvProduct
buttonType PpvButtonType
description String
from DateTime
id ID!
name String
price Int
sellOnline Boolean
to DateTime
updateRunningLivestream Livestream!

Update a running or preparing livestream.

Due to technical restrictions the fields that can be updated while the livestream is running is limited to metadata.

attributes RunningLivestreamUpdateAttributes!
id ID!
updateVocabulary Vocabulary

Update a vocabulary

entries [VocabularyEntryInput!]
id Int!
name String
updateVod Vod!

Update VOD by ID.

allowDownloads Boolean
description String
id String!
name String
password String
passwordEnabled Boolean
playerConfigId ID
ppv Boolean
public Boolean
trailerId String
trimEnabled Boolean
trimFrom Int
trimTo Int
updateVodSubtitle VodSubtitle!

Update VOD subtitle by ID.

format SubtitleFormat!
id ID!
input String!



Field Argument Type Description
address AccountAddress!
bankDetails AccountBankDetails!
email String!
id Int!
mobilePhone String
name String!
ppvStatistics ⚠️ PpvStatistics!


Call ppvStatistics from the query root instead

statistics AccountStatistics!
from Int

Unix timestamp after which you want to have the statistics for

to Int

Unix timestamp before which you want to have the statistics for

surname String!
timezone String!
wallet Money!
workDetails AccountWorkDetails!


Field Argument Type Description
city String
country String
countryCode String
street String
zipCode String


Field Argument Type Description
iban String
swift String


Field Argument Type Description
topLivestreams [Livestream]
totalViews Int
viewsOverTime [Point]


Field Argument Type Description
company String
taxNumber String


Field Argument Type Description
dsgvo Boolean
facebookPixelId String
googleAnalyticsId String
googleTagManagerId String
matomoCookieless Boolean
matomoId String
matomoUrl String
privacyDeclaration String
scope String


Field Argument Type Description
absolute Boolean!
color String
font String!
from Int!
height Float!
id ID!
imageUrl String
link String
rotate Float!
text String
to Int!
translate [Float]
width Float!


Purchase details. Prices are represented as EURO-cents.

Field Argument Type Description
discounts [BasketDiscount]

Discounts that have been applied on this basket

fromWallet Money!

How much of this purchase will be subtracted from the account credits.

items [BasketItem]
netAmount Money!

Cost of the purchase before tax

oldPayment BasketOldPayment

Details of the old payment

taxAmount Money!

Tax for this purchase

taxPercent Int!

Tax applied to the purchase

toPay Money!

How much there is to pay (total - from_wallet).

This amount must be provided to Braintree as the cost of the purchase, if a payment is necessary.

totalAmount Money!

Total cost of this purchase (net + tax).


Field Argument Type Description
amount Money!
name String!
percent Int!


Field Argument Type Description
message String!
path [String]


Field Argument Type Description
details [String]

Details about this item.

name String!

Name of the basket item.

netAmount Money!

Cost of the item before tax.

taxAmount Money!

Tax for the item.

totalAmount Money!

Total cost of the item (net + tax).


Field Argument Type Description
netAmount Money!
taxAmount Money!
taxPercent Int!
totalAmount Money!


Field Argument Type Description
children [Category]

All child categories of the current category

id Int!
libraries [MediaLibrary]

All media libraries that have been assigned to this category

livestreams [Livestream]

All VODs that have been assigned to this category

name String!
parent Category

The parent category of the current category, if present

products [PpvProduct]

All PPV products that have been assigned to this category

vods [Vod]

All VODs that have been assigned to this category


Field Argument Type Description
description String
id String!
name String!
partUrl String

URL used to upload a part of the VOD.

Using the part urls you can upload your video file in multiple parts using PUT requests.

The number of the partUrl must range from 1 to 10_000 inclusive. Each part must be at least 5 MB in size, except the last part.

After all parts have been uploaded you can complete the upload by calling processVodDraft.

Drafts that are stuck uploading after 24h will be deleted.

This upload process uses AWS S3 multipart uploads internally. Please refer to the AWS documentation for further details about the upload.

number Int!
progress Int
status String!


Field Argument Type Description
basket Basket!
errors [BasketError]
token String

Token used to initiating braintree transaction.

A payment is only necessary if this token is provided.


Field Argument Type Description
name String!
value String!


Field Argument Type Description
dsgvo Boolean
facebookPixelId String
googleAnalyticsId String
googleTagManagerId String
matomoCookieless Boolean
matomoId String
matomoUrl String
privacyDeclaration String
scope String
Field Argument Type Description
eventId ID!
id ID!
title String
url String!


Field Argument Type Description
actualState LivestreamActualState

Percise state of the livestream.

becomesVod Boolean!

Tells if the livestream should be turned into a vod after it finished airing.

canceledAt DateTime
chatEnabled Boolean!

Tells if chatting has been activated for this livestream.

chatToken String

Token that can be used join the chat of the livestream

cidrs [String]

Range of IPv4-addresses that are allowed to send livestream data to the input.

description String
duration Int!

The duration of the livestream is seconds.

embedSnippet String
embedUrl String
expectedVisitors Int!

Can be one of the following values: 10, 100, 300, 500, 1000, 3000, 5000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000, 30000

hlsOutput Boolean!

Tells if Video.Taxi provides an hls output for the livestream.

id String!
inputDestinations [String]

RTMP url(s) which receive the input of your livestream

inputUrl String
links [Link]
metrics LivestreamMetrics
name String!
outputs [LivestreamOutput]
limit Int
offset Int
password String

Password used to protect a livestream, when password protection is enabled.

passwordEnabled Boolean!

Tells if a livestream is password protected.

playerConfig PlayerConfig!
playerSubtitle String
ppv Boolean!

Tells if a livestream is protected by PPV.

products [PpvProduct]
publicStreaming Boolean!

Tells if users are allowed to watch the livestream right now.

quality LivestreamQuality!
startsAt DateTime!

When the livestream should be started.

This may not contain the exact time the livestream started, when the livestream is supposed to start right after the purchase. This is due to the fact that it takes a couple of minutes to start a livestream.

state LivestreamState

Rough state of the livestream. Use actual_state for a more detailed state.

streamUrl String
transcription LivestreamTranscription

Details about the livestream transcription.

If this field is not present it means transcription is disabled for this livestream.

vod Vod


Metrics about the livestream usage.

The Values will default to -1 if there is no data. This happens when the livestream has no viewers. Note that the cockpit is excluded from these metrics.

Field Argument Type Description
ccUsers Int!

How many people are currently watching the livestream.

maxCcUsers Int!

The maximum number of people that have watched the livestream at the same time.

traffic ⚠️ Int!

The traffic caused by this livestream.


Traffic is not exposed anymore

views Int!

Amount of unique users that have watched the livestream.

viewsOverTime [Point]

History of the concurrent viewers throughout the livestream


Field Argument Type Description
nameA String!
nameB String
urlA String!
urlB String


Field Argument Type Description
transcribeEditor Boolean!

Enables the subtitle editor, which allows for a modification of the subtitles before they are sent out.

Disabled by default.

Note: Enabling this editor adds a fixed delay to livestream specified by transcribe_editor_expiry.

transcribeEditorExpiry Int!

The time an editor has to edit a sentence, before it is finalized. The time will be added 1:1 to the delay of the livestream.

The default delay is set to 30 seconds.

transcribeEngine LivestreamTranscribeEngine!

Which speech recognition provider should be used.

Defaults to the VIDEO_TAXI engine.

transcribeLanguage String!

Which language is spoken in your livestream.

Supported languages can be retrieved with listLivestreamTranscribeEngineLanguages.

transcribeLiveTranslationLanguages [String]

List of languages into which the subtitles should be translated into.

This list should not include the currently selected transcribe language.

Supported languages can be retrieved with listLivestreamTranslationLanguages.

vocabularyId Int

Providing a vocabulary can improve the recognition non-standard words such as names and organizations


Field Argument Type Description
position Int!
title String!


Field Argument Type Description
analytics LibraryAnalytics
categories [MediaLibraryCategory]
copyright String
footer String
id String!
link String
logoUrl String
name String!
poster MediaLibraryEvent
posterContentType MediaLibraryPosterContentType
slug String!
theme MediaLibraryTheme!


Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
items [MediaLibraryItem]
name String!


Field Argument Type Description
chatEnabled Boolean!
description String
duration Int
id ID!
live Boolean!
markers [MediaLibraryEventMarker]
name String!
owner String!
passwordEnabled Boolean!
ppv Boolean!
subtitle String
thumbnail MediaLibraryEventThumbnail
timestamp DateTime!
trailerUrl String


Field Argument Type Description
position Int!
title String!


Field Argument Type Description
extraLarge String
large String
medium String
small String


Field Argument Type Description
amount Int!
currency String!
formatted String!


Field Argument Type Description
autoplay Boolean!
ccStyle String!
color String!
id ID!
isDefault Boolean
logoHidden Boolean
logoUrl String
name String
reusable Boolean
shareable Boolean!
url String


Field Argument Type Description
analytics Analytics
annotations [Annotation]
downloadUrl String
links [Link]
markers [Marker]
playerConfig PlayerConfig!
playerSubtitle String
streamUrl String!


Field Argument Type Description
x Int!
y Int!


Field Argument Type Description
deactivatedAt DateTime
id String!
transaction PpvTransaction
usedAt DateTime


Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
name String!
placeholder String
required Boolean!
value String


Field Argument Type Description
accessCodes [PpvAccessCode]
limit Int
offset Int
approximateProfit Money
buttonType PpvButtonType
customFields [PpvCustomField]
description String
from DateTime
id ID!
livestreams [Livestream]
limit Int
offset Int
name String!
price Money
sellOnline Boolean
statistics PpvStatistics!
to DateTime
vods [Vod]
limit Int
offset Int


Field Argument Type Description
netProfit Money
ticketsSold Int


Field Argument Type Description
braintreeFee Money
email String!
firstName String!
handlingFee Money
id String!
lastName String!
priceBrutto Money
priceNetto Money
processingFee Money
refunded Boolean
tax Money


Field Argument Type Description
id String!
masterSocketUrl String!
languageCode String!
vocabularyId Int
name String!
translationLanguages [String]!
viewerSocketUrl String!
enableVoiceover Boolean
languageCode String
viewerWebUrl String!


Field Argument Type Description
livestreamMetrics LivestreamMetrics!
id ID!
ppvStatistics PpvStatistics!
id ID!


Field Argument Type Description
id String!
masterSocketUrl String!
languageCode String!
vocabularyId Int
name String!
translationLanguages [String]!
viewerSocketUrl String!
enableVoiceover Boolean
languageCode String
viewerWebUrl String!
vocabularyId Int


Field Argument Type Description
durationMs Int!
export ⚠️ String!


Deprecated in favour of exportUrl

format SessionExportFormat!
exportUrl String!
format SessionExportFormat!
language String

Specifies the language in which the document should be downloaded. Allowed languages are the sourcelanguage and the translationLanguages of the room.

Defaults to the original language.

id String!
sourceLanguage String!


Field Argument Type Description
appliedPermissions [String]

Permissions applied the current token.

The permissions returned from this field may be different from the permissions that are assigned to this token. This situation can occur when the account owning this token is currently put on hold because there are no active subscriptions or unpaid invoices.

Use permissions to get the raw list of permissions assigned to the token.

id ID!
name String!
permission Boolean
name String!
permissions [String]

Permissions assigned the current token.

The permissions returned from this field may be different from the permissions that are actually available to this token. This situation can occur when the account owning this token is currently put on hold because there are no active subscriptions or unpaid invoices.

Use applied_permissions to get a list of the permissions that considers the possible restictions placed on the account.


Field Argument Type Description
entries [VocabularyEntry]
id Int!
name String!


Field Argument Type Description
phrase String!
soundsLike String


Field Argument Type Description
categories [Category]
description String
embedUrl String!
id String!
links [Link]
name String!
password String

Password used to protect the vod when password-protection is enabled.

passwordEnabled Boolean!

Whether the vod is password protected.

playerConfig PlayerConfig!
ppv Boolean!
products [PpvProduct]
public Boolean!
streamUrl String!
subtitles [VodSubtitle]
thumbnail VodThumbnail
trailerId String
trimEnabled Boolean!
trimFrom Int!
trimTo Int!


Field Argument Type Description
diarization ⚠️ VodSubtitleDiarization!


Best-effort estimate

engine VodTranscriptionEngine
export String!
format SubtitleExportFormat!
id ID!
language String!
progress Int
status VodSubtitleStatus!
statusMessage String
subMaxDuration ⚠️ Int!


Best-effort estimate

subMaxLine ⚠️ Int!


Best-effort estimate

subMinDuration ⚠️ Int!


Best-effort estimate

subMinLine ⚠️ Int!


Best-effort estimate

subSilence ⚠️ Int!


Best-effort estimate

vocabularyId ⚠️ Int!


This information is no longer tracked

vodId String!


Field Argument Type Description
extraLarge String
large String
medium String
small String



Field Type Description
becomesVod Boolean!

Whether the livestream should be turned into a vod after it finished airing.

chatEnabled Boolean!

Enable chatting for the livestream.

cidrs [String]

Range of IPv4-addresses that are allowed to send livestream data to the input.

description String
duration Int!

The duration of the livestream is seconds.

expectedVisitors Int!

Can be one of the following values: 10, 100, 300, 500, 1000, 3000, 5000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000, 30000

hlsOutput Boolean!

Whether Video.Taxi should provide a videoplayer for the livestream.

inputUrl String
name String!
outputs [LivestreamOutputAttributes]
password String

Password used to protect the livestream when password-protection is enabled.

passwordEnabled Boolean!

Whether to use a password to protect the livestream.

playerConfigId ID
playerSubtitle String
ppv Boolean!
publicStreaming Boolean!

Whether the livestream should be shown to the users.

quality LivestreamQuality!
startsAt DateTime
transcription LivestreamTranscriptionInputs

Configure the livestream transcription. Setting this field to null disables the transcription

Note: Additional costs for e.g. subtitles, translation and voice-over may be added. These costs will be billed separately depending on your subscription.


Field Type Description
nameA String!
nameB String
urlA String!
urlB String


Field Type Description
transcribeEditor Boolean!

Enables the subtitle editor, which allows for a modification of the subtitles before they are sent out.

Disabled by default.

Note: Enabling this editor adds a fixed delay to livestream specified by transcribe_editor_expiry.

transcribeEditorExpiry Int!

The time an editor has to edit a sentence, before it is finalized. The time will be added 1:1 to the delay of the livestream.

The default delay is set to 30 seconds.

transcribeEngine LivestreamTranscribeEngine!

Which speech recognition provider should be used.

Defaults to the VIDEO_TAXI engine.

transcribeLanguage String!

Which language is spoken in your livestream.

Supported languages can be retrieved with listLivestreamTranscribeEngineLanguages.

transcribeLiveTranslationLanguages [String]

List of languages into which the subtitles should be translated into.

This list should not include the currently selected transcribe language.

Supported languages can be retrieved with listLivestreamTranslationLanguages.

vocabularyId Int

Providing a vocabulary can improve the recognition non-standard words such as names and organizations


Field Type Description
becomesVod Boolean

Whether the livestream should be turned into a vod after it finished airing.

chatEnabled Boolean

Enable chatting for the livestream.

cidrs [String]

Range of IPv4-addresses that are allowed to send livestream data to the input.

description String
duration Int

The duration of the livestream is seconds.

expectedVisitors Int

Can be one of the following values:10, 100, 300, 500, 1000, 3000, 5000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000, 30000

hlsOutput Boolean

Whether Video.Taxi should provide a videoplayer for the livestream.

inputUrl String
name String
outputs [LivestreamOutputAttributes]
password String

Password used to protect the livestream when password-protection is enabled.

passwordEnabled Boolean

Whether to use a password to protect the livestream.

playerConfigId ID
playerSubtitle String
ppv Boolean
publicStreaming Boolean

Whether the livestream should be shown to the users.

quality LivestreamQuality
startsAt DateTime
transcription LivestreamTranscriptionInputs

Configure the livestream transcription. Setting this field to null disables the transcription

Note: Additional costs for e.g. subtitles, translation and voice-over may be added. These costs will be billed separately depending on your subscription.


Field Type Description
id ID!
value String


Field Type Description
chatEnabled Boolean

Enable chatting for the livestream.

description String
name String
password String

Password used to protect the livestream when password-protection is enabled.

passwordEnabled Boolean

Whether to use a password to protect the livestream.


Field Type Description
phrase String!
soundsLike String!



Value Description

The livestream has been canceled before it started airing.


The livestream has stopped airing.


The livestream is waiting to be published.


An effort is made to get the livestream back into a healthy state.


The livestream is currently running.


The livestream is currently starting.


The livestream is currently being stopped. No further video data will be accepted at this stage.


The status cannot be retrieved at the moment.


Value Description

up to 1080p


up to 720p


up to 2K


up to 480p


up to 4K


Value Description

The livestream has been canceled before it started airing.


The livestream has stopped airing.


The livestream has been created, but not yet started.


The livestream is currently running.


Value Description


Value Description


Value Description


Value Description


Accepted session export formats.

Value Description


Value Description


Accepted subtitle export formats.

Value Description


Accepted subtitle formats.

Value Description


Value Description


Value Description


Value Description


Value Description



The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.


The DateTime scalar type represents a date and time in the UTC timezone. The DateTime appears in a JSON response as an ISO8601 formatted string, including UTC timezone (“Z”). The parsed date and time string will be converted to UTC if there is an offset.


The Float scalar type represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by IEEE 754.


The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.


The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. It is NOT compliant with the GraphQl spec, it can represent values between -(2^53 - 1) and 2^53 - 1 as specified by IEEE 754. It is kept here for backwards compatibility, prefer using the SpecCompliantInt.


The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.



Represents an uploaded file.



Type Description